Healthcare Professional FAQs
Here are answers to the questions we are most frequently asked by healthcare professionals
Q1. As a healthcare professional, can I join the charity?
A. Yes. You can sign-up for free healthcare professional membership. Details on our membership page.
Q2. Who are the charity's Medical Advisors?
A. Our professional Medical Advisors are Dr. Emma Redfern, Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Deputy Medical Director at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Trust. and Mr. Geoff Tsang, Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon at University Hospitals Southampton NHS Trust.
Q3. Can the charity fund my research/QI project/education event/PhD/fellowship?
A. No. Our charitable funds are directed towards patient support and awareness-raising. However, we are happy to consider requests for non-financial support of such initiatives.
Q4. Can the charity support/endorse my research?
A. Yes. Our Research Team supports high-quality research projects that will benefit Aortic Dissection patients. We have a formal review process as part of our research governance arrangements. Contact us early with your request for support.
Q5. Can the charity help me with Patient & Public Involvement (PPI)?
A. Yes. Contact us early with your request for patient involvement.
Q6. Can the charity support my grant application?
A. Yes. Contact us early with your request for patient involvement.
Q7. Can the charity provide patient speakers for my event?
A. Yes. We have a panel of speakers with powerful stories of their lived experience of Aortic Dissection, including survivor stories for all types of dissection and treatment; relative/carer stories; and stories of deaths due to misdiagnosis and delay, told by bereaved relatives. Please contact us early with your request for patient involvement.