Research Publications
As our patient expertise is sought by researchers, members of the charity are increasingly named as co-authors in research publications.
We welcome opportunities to collaborate in authoring, publishing and disseminating high-quality, patient-centred research relevant to aortic dissection. Here are our publications to date:
Support and resources for patients with aortic disease. April D. Shinske, Ellen Hostetler, Catherine Fowler, Gareth Owens, Chrisanne Campos, Victoria Hilton, Gretchen MacCarrick. Vascular Medicine. First published online March 28, 2024
Preprint: Barriers to cascade screening in people at risk of Thoracic Aortic Disease: a mixed methods evaluation from the DECIDE-TAD initiative. R. G. Abbasciano, J. Dionne, J. Miksza, S. Oczkowski, J. Barwell, N. Shannon, R. Grant, P. Clift, R. Proietti, E. Hope, U. Ahern, K. Hewytt, L. Ghosh, R. Kaur, M. Lewis, A. Cotton, L. Skinner, H. Saadia, G. McManus, N. Qureshi, H. Aujla, S. Page, R. Sayers, M. Bown, J. Maltby, G. Krasopoulos, D. Cameron, A. Oo, J. Elefteriades, G. Owens, G. J. Murphy. Preprint published online first: 03 December 2023
Consensus statement on the interhospital transfer of patients with acute aortic syndrome: TRAVERSING Delphi study. Staniszewska A, Gaba K, Patterson B, et al. Emergency Medicine Journal. Published Online First: 02 December 2023
Evaluating the Feasibility of Screening Relatives of Patients Affected by Nonsyndromic Thoracic Aortic Diseases: The REST Study. Abbasciano RG, Mariscalco G, Barwell J, Owens G, Zakkar M, Joel-David L, Pathak S, Adebayo A, Shannon N, Haines RL, Aujla H, Eagle-Hemming B, Kumar T, Lai F, Wozniak M, Murphy G. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 Apr 19;11(8)
Report of a Delphi exercise to inform the design of a research programme on screening for thoracic aortic disease. Abbasciano RG, Barwell J, Sayers R, Bown M, Milewicz D, Cooper G, Mariscalco G, Wheeldon N, Fowler C, Owens G, Murphy GJ; Aortic Dissection Awareness Day UK 2019 Working Group. Trials. 2020 Jul 16;21(1):656.
Misdiagnosis of Acute Aortic Dissection: A Multi-Centre 10-year Retrospective Observational Cohort Study. Dr. Farhin Holia, Dr. Samy Sadek, Mr. Gareth Owens. Poster presented by Dr. Holia at the Barts 900 Aortovascular Symposium at the Royal College of Physicians on 29th June 2023 and awarded "best poster".
Health-related quality of life and psychosocial effects of the diagnosis of aortovascular manifestations in Marfan syndrome patients: a qualitative study. Rosalie Magboo, Aung Ye Oo, Deanna Gibbs, Gareth Owens, Julie Sanders. Poster presented by Rosalie Magboo at the Annual Congress of the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals in Edinburgh, 23-24 June 2023.
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Recovery from Cardiac Surgery Over Time: Results of the CardiacCovid Study from three UK National Lockdowns. Sanders J, Beaumont E, Dodd M, Murray SE, Owens G, Berry A, Hyde E, Bueser T, Clayton T, Oo AY. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2023 Aug 16
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on recovery from cardiac surgery: 1-year outcomes. Sanders J, Bueser T, Beaumont E, Dodd M, Murray SE, Owens G, Berry A, Hyde E et al. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2023 vol. 22, (5) 516-528
COVID-19 and cardiac surgery: A perspective from United Kingdom. Harky, A, Harrington, D, Nawaytou, O, et al. J Card Surg. 2021; 36: 1649-1658.
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