Research Team
We have a growing team of patients, relatives and carers, supported by our specialist Medical Advisors, who are involved in research related to Aortic Dissection. While the patient charity does not fund research, we do support and enable high-quality, patient-centred research in Aortic Dissection funded by others.

Members of our Research Team contribute to research projects which require patient input. This can involve:
- Reviewing research proposals and grant applications to decide if the charity should support them.
- Providing patient input to research proposals at an early stage, to shape the idea and establish likely patient benefit.
- Forming a Patient & Public Involvement (PPI) group to work with researchers, as a one-off or throughout a study.
- Acting as a patient facilitator of a research workshop or focus group.
- Providing patient leadership as part of a study Steering Group.
- Fulfilling a "Patient as Researcher" role in a research study or programme.
- Reviewing and editing research study documents and publications.
- Acting as a patient co-author for research publications.
- Disseminating good research to patients and healthcare professionals.
The Research Team meets regularly to discuss our ongoing support for a portfolio of research projects and to hear from researchers about the latest developments in their field of expertise related to AD. If that sounds of interest, then we'd love to hear from you. E-mail our Head of Research directly: