First-ever patient-led abstract presented at SCTS
Posted on 10th May 2021
Today, national patient charity Aortic Dissection Awareness UK & Ireland is proud to publish the first-ever patient-led abstract accepted as a poster presentation for the Annual Meeting of the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain & Ireland.

The abstract for the RESTORE (RESTORation of Effective Coagulation in Aortic Surgery) study was produced by patient members of the charity as part of a research collaboration with Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital, the University of Liverpool and the Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science. It was presented at the SCTS 2021 Annual Meeting, held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The abstract focuses on patient attitudes to the restoration of effective coagulation after aortic surgery. It showed that patients demonstrate a high level of engagement with research into new approaches to blood or blood products transfusion and a willingness to participate in trials.