Aortic Dissection Causes
Aortic dissection happens because of a weakness in the aortic wall. There's no one reason why this weakness occurs. High blood pressure over a long period of time may weaken the wall of the aorta, making it more likely to tear.
Conditions that cause a weakened aortic wall:
Some people are born with a condition that causes a weakened wall of the aorta and the condition runs in their family. These conditions include:
- Marfan syndrome
- Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
- Loeys-Dietz syndrome
- Turner's syndrome
- Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
See our THINK AORTA, THINK FAMILY campaign for more information on inherited aortic diseases.
Males over 50 are at an increased risk, but anyone can suffer an aortic dissection.
Things that increase the risk of aortic dissection:
There is an increased risk of aortic dissection if you:
- already have an enlarged aorta (aortic aneurysm)
- have a history of aortic diseases in your family
- have a bicuspid aortic valve
- have sustained a severe injury to the chest
- have had previous cardiac surgery
- smoke
- regular cocaine or amphetamines use
There is an increased risk of an aortic dissection during pregnancy. But it is rare. See our patient leaflet Planning Pregnancy with Aortic Disease for more information.