Award-winning national Aortic Dissection patient charity publishes 2023 Impact Report
Posted on 30th December 2023
Aortic Dissection Awareness UK & Ireland has published its 2023 Impact Report. The Trustees would like to thank the many members, partners, supporters and friends who have enabled the charity to have its best year ever in 2023 and help thousands of families affected by the disease.
Awarded the title "Best Specialist Patient Support Charity - UK - 2023" in the international Non-Profit Organization Awards in May, Aortic Dissection Awareness UK & Ireland released its 2023 Impact Report to the public on 30th December 2023.
The charity, which is uniquely led by patients, for patients, organised two highly-successful national conferences during the year: Aortic Dissection Awareness Day UK hosted by Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridge and Aortic Dissection Awareness Day Ireland hosted by St. James's Hospital in Dublin.
Mr. Gareth Owens, an Aortic Dissection survivor who is Chair of the charity said: "We've had a great year in which the charity, working with its network of partners, exceeded expectations and continues to move the UK and Ireland forward in the management of Aortic Dissection. There is much still to do, so we are already working hard on our plans for 2024, which include the biggest national Aortic Dissection Awareness Day UK ever on 19th September 2024, hosted by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. The voice of Aortic Dissection patients in the UK & Ireland is not something that can be ignored anymore. We have put our collective shoulders to the wheel and we are determined to make a difference."