SCTS Annual Meeting 2018 - Glasgow
The Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery (SCTS) Annual Meeting on 18th March 2018 was an important milestone in the history of our patient charity...
Event Details
This is the day that AD Awareness UK & Ireland was formally constituted as the national patient association (18th March 2018) and Mr Gareth Owens, our Chair, opened the Plenary Session of the SCTS 2018 Annual Meeting with an inspiring talk titled "There's no 'I' in Aorta - a Patient Perspective on Aortic multidisciplinary teams".
He emphasised the need for multi-disciplinary teamwork in order to deliver the best outcomes for patients and set out a vision that the UK should have a network of specialist Aortic surgery centres, with no patient living more than 2 hours travel from one.
- A Patient Perspective on Aortic MDTs – Gareth Owens
- Enabling Teams to Work Effectively – Dave Thornton
- Address as outgoing President of SCTS – Graham Cooper
Event Summary
Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery Annual Meeting, Plenary Session, Glasgow 2018. Addresses by Gareth Owens; Dave Thornton and Graham Cooper