Aortic Dissection Awareness Day UK 2018 - London
On 19th September 2018, the 3rd annual AD Awareness Day UK was held in the Great Hall at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, near St. Paul’s in the City of London, where 160 people attended to network and learn from the expert faculty

Event Details
Many of the speakers were members of the Barts Aortic Multi-disciplinary Team which two years previously had saved the life of our Chair, Mr. Gareth Owens, after he dissected while on business in the City.
Full Programme

Event Summary
Aortic Dissection Awareness Day UK 2018 – Showreel - 4 minute summary film on the day’s proceedings.
Genetic Factors in Aortic Dissection: Treating the whole family - Dr. Bejal Pandya.
Managing Risk Factors for Aortic Dissection: Difficult Blood Pressure - Dr Mel Lobo.
The Surveillance of Aortic Dissection patients - Dr Kate von Klemperer.
My Aortic Dissection Journey - Gareth Owens.
Diagnosing Aortic Dissection in the Emergency Setting - Dr Emma Redfern and Professor Mark Callaway.
Aortic Dissection in Children - Dr. Elena Cervi, Great Ormond Street Hospital.